Eigen X and our employees are focused on the opportunities and challenges presented by global climate change and environmental sustainability.

Eigen X is committed to incorporating environmental best practices into our business operations and fostering environmental responsibility among our employees, clients, and suppliers.  

Our priorities:  

Company and Employees:  

  • Provide opportunities for employees to conserve resources and make reasonable efforts to eliminate or reduce levels of waste (both solid and wastewater) generated by 10% by 2025 and to increase landfill diversion, reuse, and recycling by 5% by 2025. 

  • Target minimization of our consumption of natural resources through procurement practices and operational conservation by 15% by 2025.  

Clients and Suppliers:  

  • Engage with our clients to consider the environmental impact of how we deliver our work (e.g. reducing travel by 10% by 2025), and support them in addressing their own environmental impacts.  

  • Encourage suppliers to seek to improve resource efficiency and reduce resource consumption including of raw materials, energy, water, and fuel. 

Compliance Obligations:  

  • Comply with all applicable environmental compliance obligations from our local community as well as requirements from customers and business partners.   

Net-Zero Emissions Goals:

In alignment with our core values, Eigen X is committed to achieving net-zero emissions across all facets of our business operations. We recognize the pressing need to mitigate the impacts of climate change and are actively implementing strategies to reduce our carbon footprint. Eigen X and our employees are embracing sustainable practices and pursuing innovative solutions, Eigen X aims to lead by example in the transition towards a low-carbon economy, safeguarding the environment for future generations. 

Eigen X recognizes the critical importance of conservation in preserving our planet's precious natural resources. We are dedicated to minimizing waste, conserving water, and protecting the environment in all aspects of our operations. By prioritizing conservation efforts, Eigen X seeks to play a proactive role in safeguarding the Earth's natural heritage for the benefit of current and future generations. 

In executing on this policy, Eigen X is committed to a program of continual improvement and will set objectives and targets, measure progress against them and, where appropriate, share our key metrics with stakeholders. Targets will be reviewed annually to ensure they remain appropriate and achievable.